Thursday, August 12, 2010

Vodafone gets rapped uped from Android Users.

(BBC) Last week, many customers who own HTC Desire smartphones were prompted to download a software update which they believed was an upgrade to Android.

Instead it installed irremovable Vodafone-branded apps and bookmarks, including links to dating sites.

Following a raft of complaints, the firm has backed down and will now offer an update without the applications.

The software will upgrade users to the latest version of Android, as many had expected the original upgrade to do.

A spokesperson said the software - known as Froyo or version 2.2 - would be ready in the next seven to 10 days.

The firm's apps - known as Vodafone 360 - will be offered as an optional download, a spokesperson said.

"We will roll out a vanilla version of 2.2," a spokesperson told BBC News.

"The only thing we will change are the network settings to optimise them for our network."

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