Friday, September 10, 2010

Google says Froyo (Android V 2.2) is not right choice for Tablet PC.

We have seen many tablet PC makers are planning to launch with Pre-loaded Android 2.2 i.e., Froyo. Google says that if the Tablet PC makers want to compete with iPad than Froyo is not the right choice citing Screen Resolution issue.

Hugo Barra, director of products for mobile at Google, said to Tech Radar that "Android is an open platform. We saw at IFA 2010 all sorts of devices running Android, so it already running on tablet. But the way Android Market works is it's not going to be available on devices that don't allow applications to run correctly. Which devices do, and which don't will be unit specific, but Froyo is not optimized for use on tablets."

Right now, Android's upper limit for resolution is 854 by 480 according to documentation on the Android Developer site. There are varying screen sizes that support this resolution, but it depends on the pixel density.

Barra said, "If you want Android market on that platform, the apps just wouldn't run, [Froyo] is just not designed for that form factor. We want to make sure that we're going to create a application distribution mechanism for the Android Market, to ensure our users have right experience."

Google gave signs that Gingerbread will likely boost the Tablet PCs

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